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Manoa Marketplace

An online marketplace of all things you can buy/sell for the ‘Bows!

Table of contents


The problem: UHM students have a “rapid” churn rate in goods and services. Students leave the dorm for an on-campus apartment and need to get rid of dorm-specific stuff and acquire apartment-specific stuff. Students graduate and need to get rid of stuff because they’re moving off-island. There is therefore a tremendous amount of “campus-specific” goods and services that could be more effectively recycled and reused if there was an effective marketplace for these specific kinds of items.

The solution: The Manoa Marketplace is an application for UHM students to facilitate buying and selling of student-related goods and services.



Manoa Marketplace is designed with the following technologies:

User Guide

This section provides a walkthrough of the Manoa Marketplace user interface and its capabilities.

Landing Page

The landing page is presented to students when they visit the top-level URL of the site. It provides a brief description of the application, and directs students to sign up or log in.

Sign Up Page

The sign up page will direct students to register using their email and fill in some basic user information.

Log In Page

The log in page will direct students to log in using the registered account.

Home Page

After logging in, the student will be directed to their home page. More features of the app are now displayed for the student in the navbar section.

My Profile Page

The user is also able to go into their profile to see an overview of their user information, as well as some other statistics (WIP).

Edit Profile Page

The user is able to click the link to bring up a form to edit their profile information.

Add Product Page

Students have the ability to add a product for sale. Once added, the product will be listed on the List Product Page for their own perusal.

Add Service Page

Students have the ability to add a service for sale. Once added, the product will be listed on the Service page.

My Products Page

Students can list out all the products that they own, edit/delete the products.

List Goods Page

This page displays all (excluding the user’s) public goods that are available for sale. The user can click on the button to add to cart for checkout later.

List Service Page

This page displays all public services that are available for sale.

My Cart Page

After adding a product to the cart, the user can view all the products that they have added to the cart. The user can also remove the product from the cart, or view the individual product page (WIP).

Community Feedback

We are eager to know how you liked the Manoa Marketplace! After experiencing the application, please take a couple of minutes to fill out the Manoa Marketplace Feedback Form. It will greatly help us understand how our system is, improve existing features, or implement new ones. Mahalo!

Here are some of the feedbacks we have received so far (CAO 11 Dec 23):

Here are some of the suggestions for improvements so far (CAO 11 Dec 23):

Developer Guide

This section provides information of interest to Meteor developers wishing to use this application for their own development tasks.


  1. install Meteor
  2. Visit the Manoa Marketplace GitHub page, and click the “Use this template” button to create your own repository with initialized with a copy of this application. Alternatively, you can download the source code as a zip file or make a fork of the repo. However you do it, download a copy of the repo to your local computer.
  3. cd into the manoa-market-place/app directory and install libraries with:
    1. $ meteor npm install
  4. Run the system with:
    1. $ meteor npm run start
  5. If all goes well, you can view your application at http://localhost:3000
  6. You can login using the credentials in settings.development.json, or else register a new account.


YOu can verify that the code obeys our coding standards by running ESLint over the code in the imports/ directory with:

$ meteor npm run lint


See the Manoa Marketplace in deployment through Digital Ocean at


Development History

The development process for Manoa Marketplace conformed to Issue Driven Project Management (IDPM) agile software process. Bottom line up front (BLUF):

The following sections document the development history of the Manoa Marketplace.

Milestone 1: Mockup Development

The goal of Milestone 1 (M1) was to set up the team, create initial issues, and deploy the initial application system to Digital Ocean with a landing page and at least four other mockup pages.

M1 was managed using Manoa Marketplace GitHub Project Board M1:

Milestone 2: Full Development

The goal of Milestone 2 (M2) was to continue managing the project and implement the core functionalities of the application.

M2 was managed using Manoa Marketplace GitHub Project Board M2:

Milestone 3: Final Touches

The goal of Milestone 3 (M3) was to finish the project, acquire community feedback, and implement acceptance testing.

M3 was managed using Manoa Marketplace GitHub Project Board M3:

Beyond the basics

The following contains yet-to-be-implemented ideas for more advanced features of the Manoa Marketplace:

Contact Us

Manoa Marketplace is designed, implemented, and maintained by the following developers: